Jamie's in Oregon. Elle's in Oregon.
There's plenty of feminist things to say about a man trying to take care of a home, lots of jokes about how a man never really appreciates all the things a woman does around the house until she's not there.
I don't know if I agree entirely with those statements. I do believe that one does increase their awareness or understanding when a constant in life becomes absent.
Let me also openly admit that Jamie does a cornucopia of tasks not only better than I, but also like Monet paints better than a centipede - if that makes any sense.
Here's a brief outline...
My day begins earlier than usual and has to be timed carefully. I hustle taking care of my morning, shower, shave and eat, all the while watching the clock so that I give Eli the most sleeping bang for the buck. Too much sleep and he's groggy. Not enough and he's a pill.
He needs about 5 minutes to come around, and don't think I haven't considered Decaff to kick start his motor.
Cereal, vitamins, protein and cartoons all carefully selected. Still watching the clock.
Making his lunch, carefully selecting all the right things. Right combination. Proper slicing of the fruit and sandwich. Cafeteria food is looking better and better.
Check the backpack, sign the homework sheets and permission slips. Check the clock. Hunt down $3 - sheesh where's the stash of cash in this place?
Shower time. Eli enjoys his hot showers. More time.
Lay out the clothes, again with the proper combination. Green basketball shorts. Red sleeveless football shirt. Black shoes. Eli's out of the shower. Wants a fauxhawk - no problem - I build in time for these things.
Load the backpack. Fix hair. Fill water bottle. Check the clock...time to load up. Forgot to shut the garage door.
We're in the truck and I'm dropping him off at school. Beesons in front of me, Millers behind me, Smiths and Perkins not too far behind them. Tomorrow I have to beat Tammie - must plan better, she's doing this x4!
After two weeks of this...I forgot to mention the eerily quiet evenings, homework, what's for supper - fruit loops again? After two weeks, I am hyper-aware of Jamie's absence.
Jamie, come home soon and bring my princess with you. It is not good for this man to be alone.
If the sun doesn't rise tomorrow, I won't notice - I will be missing Jamie too much...and wondering why there's no milk in the fridge!
PS - The Sharp's owe a deep debt of gratitude to the Ahmans, Perkins, Pearsons, Stowells, Hardings, Hobsons, Murphys, Yates, Bentzs, Ryans, Wellmans, Gerdons, Stoors, Chuns, Nielsons, Thackers, Angelos, DuBois, Brodies, UT Sharps, CO Sharps, Sartoris, Waites and whomever dropped off a tub of mac&cheese and a tub of chicken & dumplings.
How sad to be without Ellie & Jamie! :( But it sounds like you've got this single dad thing down!!
P.S. Good luck beating Tammie!
You did GREAT Jarret! ;-) Give yourself a pat on the back.
Love you all.
I was laughing, now I'm crying. You inspire me more than most Jarret, your family means more to us than you even know. Here's to being all together sooner than later.
and fyi, my van will soon have flames and be cooler than any other van
Your sentiments bring back memories of my own times trying to hold things together. Although we both know that alone, even the best husband can only accomplish about 1/4 of the things that seem to get get done when the wife is at home, a big thumbs up for the yeoman's effort!
Nothing worse than being away from your loved ones. I hope they are home soon :) Good job-- it is tough to get everything done- sometimes we forget the water bottle, snack and even homework (sometimes). Crazy. We only allow the cafeteria lunch once a week- whole wheat pizza on Wed- I love Wednesdays :)
Love you- miss you.
What a sweet tribute to your wife. Isn't it so great to appreciate what we have? It is not good for woman to be alone either, and I bet she is thrilled to be home with her boys!
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